Avoid bad renting experiences
Before joining Preferental as a tenant, Maria had a few negative experiences with an indifferent and unconcerned landlord. She shares one such experience with us: “An agent arranged for me [...]
Before joining Preferental as a tenant, Maria had a few negative experiences with an indifferent and unconcerned landlord. She shares one such experience with us: “An agent arranged for me [...]
Signing the lease agreement is one of the essential steps involved in the renting process. Before handing over your property to tenants, it is important to make them sign the [...]
Clients of Preferental can rest at ease knowing that they will receive their rent each month, although their tenants might default on the payments. This may involve sending a Letter [...]
During these past few days, it came to Preferental’s attention that the majority of landlords are not aware of what the Rental Housing Act (1999) profoundly stipulates. As an agency, [...]
As exciting as it can be to earn an extra income through your rental property, the concerns of legal complications later on in the lease period will always be in [...]
What is good tenant etiquette? Preferental is an online property management platform for landlords who would like to manage their properties more effectively. In one of our previous blogs, we discussed [...]
Finding trustworthy service providers Getting around to maintenance issues can be a challenging task for property owners. One way to make sure that your property maintains in the same state [...]
Renting out a property isn’t always a fairy tale, as a matter of fact, it can be pretty daunting. The downside of renting for a property owner is having to [...]
How to deal with bad rental payments A thorough tenant screening and glowing credit record, unfortunately, doesn’t guarantee a flawless payment journey to any property owner. Most property owners will [...]
Why Property Inspections are Important to Both Tenant and Property Owner If you find yourself in the renting space you need to be aware of three different property inspections: Incoming [...]